
Why hire me, Kristin Thompson, as your Education Consultant?

After the Holocaust, the world said, “Never again”, yet atrocities, genocide, and human rights violations continue around the globe today.

Teaching about the Holocaust, or other traumatic histories, can be a daunting challenge without the proper training.

That’s where I come in.

My expertise in Holocaust education and human rights issues makes me the ideal facilitator for your student classroom or professional development training; assisting with curriculum writing, resource development, syllabus advising.


What I can uniquely offer:

In addition to a career as a classroom history teacher, I was also an Education Program Coordinator for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, D.C. In that role, I developed & facilitated multiple, rigorous programs that annually engaged hundreds of educational leaders from around the globe while promoting the Museum’s mission, “inspiring citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity”.

While at the USHMM, I created a museum-endorsed learning module, Oath and Opposition: Education under the Third Reich. The lesson examines the role of educational institutions and individual teachers during the Holocaust and highlights the fact that people did indeed have choices.

At crucial junctures, every individual makes a decision…and every decision is individual”.
Raul Hilberg, Holocaust scholar

My training as an educator, and being immersed in Holocaust history, uniquely equips me to be your facilitator for student sessions or staff development training. I’m happy to discuss your educational needs and tailor a program that works best for you.


Select Consulting Work

The Power of Place: JCRC Educator European Summer Institute: Plan, design, and lead 10-13 day European tours of authentic Holocaust sites for educators. Itineraries are unique each year and have included Germany, Poland, Norway, and Czech Republic with pre-trip classroom sessions and post-trip project requirements to further Holocaust awareness in local communities of each participant. Purpose: Research has shown that traveling to authentic sites in an effective tool to move people from empathy to action. Jan. 2022 - Present.

Jewish Community Relations Council of MN and the Dakotas (JCRC): Design and facilitate nine-week Holocaust Education Cohort that promotes deepened historical knowledge and utilizes primary sources and sound pedagogical practices. Fall and Winter/Spring each year, 2022 - Present.

Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center: Research and design educational materials for film project, “Resistance: They Fought Back”. April - Aug. 2023.

Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center: Create educational materials to accompany Graphic Novel, “Hour of Need: The Daring Escape of the Danish Jews during World War II”. April - Aug. 2023.

Minnesota State University, Mankato: Develop and facilitate semester-long course, HIST490 Understanding the Holocaust, culminating in one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Jan. - June 2023.

Holocaust Education Resource Council (HERC), Tallahassee, FL: Co-design and facilitate Micro-Credential program for educators in Holocaust Education and Pedagogy. June 2022 – March 2023.

The Stan Greenspon Holocaust and Social Justice Education Center at Queens University of Charlotte, NC: Design and co-facilitate inaugural Holocaust Pedagogy Certification Program for educators. Jan. 2022 – March 2023.

Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG): Facilitate six-week law enforcement leadership course, Protecting and Promoting Civil and Human Rights, and two-week introductory course for officers, Redefining Policing to Affirm and Instill Human Rights (REPAIR), Feb. 2021, April 2021, July 2021, Nov. 2021.

Jewish Museum of Maryland: Create Holocaust education primary source lessons that utilize their collections and artifacts, Sept. 2021.

Federal Education Association – Human and Civil Rights, European Union: Invited as guest panelist for online discussion with students enrolled in webinar course in Germany, Beyond Competence: Cultural Humility for Educators, March 2021.

Kristin’s Background


Professional Experience / Education

History Educator, 1992 - 2012
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2013 -2018
Education Consultant, 2018 - present

M.A., Educational Leadership
B.A., History and Political Science
B.S., Social Studies Education
Curriculum and Instruction Specialist Licensure


Honors and Awards

Education Advisory Board Member | Friends of the National WWII Memorial, Washington, DC | 2017-2018
International Editorial Board Member | Human Rights Ed Review, University College of SE Norway | 2017-2018
International Education Innovation Team Award | USHMM, Washington, DC | 2015
Data and Metrics Inaugural Project Team Award | USHMM, Washington, DC | 2015
Holocaust Educator’s Summit | Embassy of Poland, Washington, D.C. and Polish Consulate, Warsaw, Poland | 2012
Teacher of the Year | Redwood Valley Middle School, Redwood Falls, MN | 2011
Mandel Teacher Fellowship | USHMM, Washington, DC | 2003 - 2004

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Why study this history?

The world said, “Never again”, but sadly, there are many examples of contemporary genocide / mass atrocities still happening today. By studying the events of the past, we study human nature (humanus) and that provides a lens by which we reflect upon our own humanity; including our rights and responsibilities as active, engaged citizens in a democracy. Additionally, we are bearing witness:

I believe firmly and profoundly that anyone who listens to a Witness becomes a Witness, so those who hear us, those who read us, must continue to bear witness for us.
Until now, they’re doing it with us.
At a certain point in time, they will do it for all of us.”

– Elie Wiesel

All programming includes:



Historically accurate content and resources.

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Sound pedagogical methods of delivery.



Alignment with state and national education standards.



Paul Salmons, Director, Paul Salmons Associates, London, United Kingdom (Chief curator of ‘Seeing Auschwitz’, an exhibition for UNESCO and the United Nations, Co-founder UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education, world leader for research-informed teacher and student education.)

“I had the pleasure to work with Kristin at a teacher development seminar in Dublin, Ireland, and was struck by the power of her presentation 'Oath and Opposition', a profound and deeply moving examination of the role of teachers during the Holocaust. Not only was the material carefully researched and developed, but Kristin's handling of the sources and her skillful questioning of the workshop participants led to deep learning and a profound impact.”


Dr. James Waller,

Christopher J. Dodd Chair in Human Rights Practice, University of Connecticut and Visiting Scholar at the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen’s University Belfast

“Kristin’s lifelong commitment to making a world of difference is needed today more than ever.  With a deep professionalism and passion, she brings an insightful expertise to understanding why the past matters for our present and future.”


Carl Wilkens, Co-Founder & Director, World Outside My Shoes (and only American to have stayed in Rwanda during 1994 genocide.)

“I first crossed paths with Kristin in 2013 and have had the privilege of working with her many times since. I’ve always appreciated both her passion and depth of knowledge in human rights and Holocaust / genocide education. She’s a true champion for teachers in her support of them and dedication to making resources and opportunities available, enhancing the learning experience for both teacher and student. Her approachable and easy demeanor puts people at ease right away, setting the stage for learning experiences that contribute towards positive change both locally and around the globe.

Photo Gallery

I’d love to discuss how I can help.